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Vegan till six diet -

21-12-2016 à 13:55:45
Vegan till six diet
Life was wonderful, yet not so wonderful at the same time. I have always had major issues with food and it is all gone. We have really great health food stores all by my school but I am super interested if you have any ideas for healthy snacks or something I could even make in the microwave. Hey Taylor, Thank you for your lovely comment. Do you go to a gym or something like that. After finding your recipes online and printed most of them out I have no color cartridges left. Your blog helps me keep a positive outlook on life and to enjoy every second of it. Just read some of the glowing reviews in the comments. I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for the shout out on your blog. I just wanted to let you know that I started my own blog recently and yours has been a great motivation for me to get it going. Thanks so much for this site and for sharing your vegan cooking. I was in recovery for an eating disorder, something I had been struggling with since I was 11-12 years old. Your wit, photography, recipes, and support of women is top notch and inspirational. Thanks to the connections technology affords us, there is a huge and supportive community that will make you feel ecstatic about your choices, whatever they are. You are always welcome to visit on Manitoulin Island and when you do, please bring some of your delicious cooking. Even with my obsession with those three im still over weight. How do you deal with parties or nights out when people offer you food and you have to ask what is in it. Saute the apples over medium-high heat in a skillet in the oil until soft, add in the blueberries the last five minutes of cooking. I have recently decided to remove all bandaids from my life and see a naturopath doctor who is helping me control my immune system the natural way, without a pill or a bandaid as I like to call them. It distracted me from getting what I need to do finished for the art show this weekend. I am a recent grad and just started my first job a month ago and I hate it. I just heard about your blog today from my Chef, Christina Campbell, and I think it is fabulous. On October 31st 2008, I started Oh She Glows to write about my recovery from an eating disorder, my journey to health, and the amazing transformation that food can make in our lives. This study found that those who eat salads, raw vegetables and salad dressing have considerably higher levels of vitamins C, E, B6 and folic acid, all key nutrients in promoting a healthy immune system. I came across an article in the NY times i think you would be interested in. Just thought I would let you know that I absolutely love your blog. I am in love with avocado at the moment too. The bakery was an experience I will never forget and I learned so much. I love your blog and visit it every single day. I am reenergized to go back to my vegan diet which I stopped two years ago because my hair started falling out (which turns out which turns out had nothing to my diet at all). I recently joined a gym and have become addicted to spin classes. So instead of making two or three different dishes for dinner, I shifted to one-dish meals: pastas, stir-fries, gigantic salads, smoothies, and a grain, a green, and a bean all in one pot. It is exciting to find someone who makes healthy food look fun and taste delicious. I just graduated from my Masters in Psychology and am in a similar boat to when you started and want to get back on track. water in a bowl and let sit for 5 minutes. I used to run every now and then, but I could never get myself into a routine, but I am getting more and more motivated everyday. My husband and I started following a plant based diet about four months ago. I want to be able to actually enjoy food and your recipes look amazing. Hey Paula, Thank you so much, that means a lot to me. Up until this point in my life, I never had a hobby that I felt so passionate about and it felt so rewarding to enjoy something so much. I am looking forward to discovering how to eat pure, raw and guilt free foods. Make sure the batter is evenly coating the fruit and level on all sides of the pan. Thankfully, Oh She Glows was a great outlet and really let my creativity flourish. I would just like to say, good for you, for documenting and, in a sense, revealing yourself for others to be inspired by. Please take a look below and let me know your thoughts. Unfortunately i have swung in the other direction (gaining 25 pounds in 2 years) and need to find joy in what i eat and in physical fitness. My friend Taylor and I have been fans of your blog for quite some time:). I noticed you lived in Ontario while you did it. Some have become pescetarian, vegetarian, and even vegan. I can really relate to what you went through with food, and probably still do to some extent. I am a college student and I am super into nutrition and health and fitness. I was hoping to email you some questions I had that I was hoping to ask you about. It had curry and potatoes in it too I believe. WIll definitely be giving your recipes a go:). thank you for the inspiration. I am happy I found your website because I am trying to release and relieve myself of these obsessive tendencies and just live my life loving healthy food. Within the first few months of blogging my readership started to grow and before long I connected with women and men all over the world. I shifted my diet to plant-based in mid-2009 after learning more about nutrition, animal welfare, and the environmental impacts of factory farming. Reading all the comments too proves to me there are a number of people who have faced things such as disordered eating. Anyway, I am curious about a gluten-free diet. Take the next 10 days and keep a gratitude journal. I personally respond to as many of your emails as I can fit into a day, but occasionally I cannot keep up with them or lose track of emails. I feel like a kid in a candy store reading through everything. Over the past year I have been trying to transition my diet as the damage my disorder had caused my body had left me with adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues and a leaky gut. Tweet me about the recipes you make or share a pic. I thought you might find the following of interest. Thank you so much for sharing your recipes and your life. I store all of my dried beans and grains in mason jars and buy in bulk. I am very much looking forward to the meals you inspire in the future. I would love to do something like this for my daughter, Molly, who is 12. I came across your site and so many of your recipes look delicious. You never come across blogs like this and it really is incredible to me everything you accomplished. Now that Im thinking about this, I bet there is a good book out there for learning the basics. If you start out small and simple, you might find that your parents will change slowly over time and come to willingly participate in your new dietary choices. I love your blog, I find myself visiting your blog every day now. Try asking your parents to allow you to assist the family by shopping for food and preparing dinner once or twice a week, take your mom or dad with you when you shop and talk about food choices. I have just discovered your blog and I am so excited. I want so badly to be 100% there but every time i get close my eating disorder comes and kicks me in the ass with a late night binge on ice cream. I ran the bakery on my own (with the help of my husband when he had time) for a couple years and it was a huge success. My first cookbook, The Oh She Glows Cookbook (released March 4, 2014) is a New York Times Bestseller. Please stop by my FAQ page for a ton of your questions answered in one cozy spot. my first cookbook was published on March 4, 2014. It was like a storm cloud hovering over me for years. I am hoping to learn a lot and I plan to use your recipes frequently. I have struggled with these kinds of problems for years, and still do to this day, and I hope every day to be rid of it. The Oh She Glows Cookbook is now printed in several different languages including English, Chinese, German, Slovak, and Spanish. And yet, I now spend one and a half times or twice as much as I used to on groceries. For the first year of blogging, I wrote 3 posts per day (yes, you read that right) and I absolutely fell head over heels in love with my new hobby. Anyhow, I really would like for you to watch this video when you get the chance. com or simply searching through blogs. The photos make everything look so inviting,and I have to say how impressed I am. Also, check out my Baby section, where I post frequent pregnancy updates. Your cooking and blog have been absolutely inspirational to me. Thanks for being an open book and sharing your story so that others can find solace in knowing they to can fight the battle and feel victorious. It features over 100 plant-based recipes (including 85 gluten-free recipes) using real, whole food ingredients. The best part about my recipes is that anyone can enjoy them from vegans to omnivores alike. Saw a couple that resembled you and Eric. Add the vanilla extract, yogurt, and almond milk. Connecting with others all over the world motivated me to keep going during a time when I was very unhappy with my career. I think it is time for me to take control of my body and start taking care for it. Most of your meals will be one-dish wonders. My best advice is to just listen to your body and take it as it comes. I was hoping that you could give me some insight. The job was supposed to be my dream job and worth the longest commute in the world. It had been a dream of mine for a while so I jumped at the opportunity. For the past year i have been transforming and trying to change my diet to fully vegan, im about 90% there. I just wanted to send a note and say thank you for a very insightful and honest blog. You can read my announcement in this post. Learning to live food again has taught me to learn to love life again, food does not have to be the enemy. You mention some of the brand names in you posts, but I often have trouble finding vegan brands in my area. I am a strict vegetarian and am working towards unprocessed. Just discovered your website through a tumblr post and i am SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY I DID. Especially my dad loves meat, lots of it, unfortunatly. I love your take on nutrition and your openness about bad relationships with food. I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I have really enjoyed your blog and reading your story. I have always wanted to try Hot Yoga, but I am kind of nervous. I am a freshman so all I have in my dorm room is a little fridge and a microwave. to open a vegan restaurant with an amazing menue. What are some good option for protein and iron. A couple times I felt a bit light headed, but I found that when I drank lots of water beforehand and had a large banana, I was usually fine. I am vegetarian and I am always looking for recipes. You have been one of my inspirations for starting my own blog. Health blogs have really helped me a lot in the last couple of years, when I went from being around 160 lbs back down to around 135 lbs (give or take) which is about what I weighed in high school. I rave about you to meat-eaters and vegans alike as all of the recipes I have tried have been great successes. I have had a difficult few years since starting university. It would be a dream and a passion of mine. I am also a hot yoga enthusiast, and huge advocate of the benefits. My parents are extremely into eating healthy and organically, but I have never appreciated this until now. Somehow I came across your blog either through tastespotting. In 2011, I was approached by an editor from a major publishing house and offered to write a cookbook. Most people find that many common vegetables and leafy greens taste wonderful either raw, baked, or steamed with no additional ingredients. I have had green beans and apples and also other fruits and veggies but I am starting to feel the need for a change up. You inspire me to experiment when I cook, and try different things. I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa early last year at the age of 13, and am now trying hard on the road to recovery. It is a 45 minute silent film created with love by Patrick Rouxel about palm oil. I found it so strange because I have attended UofG for the past 4 years now and I can honestly say that I never click on those stories and read them. I do not personally know anyone that has gone through something like this so I have had a hard time finding people who I can relate to. So anyways your tips and recipe and all your personal story is a nice help and sun to give me confidence in futur. Taking this gratitude challenge can be your first step to moving out of an ED and moving on with your life. Most people know salads are an important factor in the quest for optimal health but did you know that May was National Salad Month. I saw your article on the University of Guelph website just the other day. The book also contains over 100 full-page, full-colour photographs shot by yours truly. Ive printed off a handfull of recipes and sit here at work day dreaming of which cullinary creation I am going to try next. You look so happy and pleased, I want a wedding like this. Just wanted to tell you that your delicious looking recipes were definitely a huge motivator for me to finally make the switch from vegetarian to vegan. That tells my story of how I made my changes. Like everyone else, I find your blog truly inspiring. Both my mother and I are Celiacs (gluetin intolerant) and because of some issues with minor arthritic back and knee my doctor and nutritionist put me on a Vegan diet. I have a new-ish blog and was wondering if I could include you on my blogroll. Eating disorder or not, your message speaks loudly to a myriad of health and eating issues and I am stoked to try new recipes. He plays fetch but refuses to do anything else trickwise. With all the stress of school and trying to figure out a career path for myself I have gained around 35-40lbs. For her it is because of her love for animals. This e-mail is a great step in reaching out. You are an inspiration to all who want to live a healthy lifestyle. I think you are extremely brave to share your personal journey and embrace who you are. I did a lot of hands on, practical research and even had the opportunity to write a book chapter, but ultimately I found that research did not fulfill me like I thought it would. More often that desire has been rooted in convenience or not wanting to make a scene, and tiny allowances in these situations are something I recently decided to take more seriously and abstain from entirely. Thank you for the wonderful recipes and sharing your story. I started out with a book called Veganist, and right now I cant remember that authors name but it inspired me. First, vegan food took a little more work to prepare. I was SO excited when I stumbled upon your blog today. Your posts on interval training have been very. I am going vegan and thought it was so hard. Being vegan is a big deal, whether you make it that way or not. I specifically want to work others suffering from an eating disorder just as I have. :). I just recently found your blog via an Apartment Therapy link to your avocado pasta. Most of my recipes are gluten-free and many are allergy-friendly (just check the recipe for the allergy info). I just want to let you know that and to not quit your blog because from now on I will be viewing it periodically because I find it that inspiring. Love your ideas and your site introduced me to the flax egg which I now have used in a variety of recipes I always bake with huge success, meaning no one is the wiser to the replacement. I hope you are contacting publishers because I would personally love to buy a book by you. I am taking baby steps to recover from disordered eating and the anxiety and depression that came along with it. My goal is to start running once I restore my weight and I wanted to let you know what an amazing resource I think your blog is and will be on my path to health. I extremely appreciate your positive, insightful, and nurturing posts. I found it a few months ago and just wanted to let you know your website really helped me with my natural eating for my whole family. Wow, this site is amazing-and you and your story are so inspirational. Angela, i cannot wait for your cook book. I loved hearing your story about getting out of an eating disorder. Thank you very much, the information is very appreciated. My daughter ( who is 9 ) has recently decided to be a vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian now for about two and a half years and it is the best decision I have ever made in my life. I am a very ordinary person who is working in a very boring job and I always had trouble with my weight but not havint real disease like anorexia but always hating my body. all you need is a little imagination. Have you tackled your living room project yet. I stumbled upon your site while looking for vegan recipes, and I am so delight I it. I was so happy about this and felt like I was beautiful for the first time in a long time. I found that some days I had tons of energy in the heat and other times my body wanted a bit more rest. After a couple years of running the bakery and blogging full-time, I closed the bakery to pursue my cookbook dreams after being approached by an editor from a major publishing house. I came across your blog on pinterest believe it or not and I have been looking around on your site. We are all vulnerable humans doing the best we can and it is good to be reminded of others out there sharing our challenges. I kind of fell off the wagon, starting eating some dairy, ( even though every time I thought about Factory Farms I wanted to get sick inside) and now Ive found your website and Im so excited and happy to begin again. I love your blog and look at it at least once a day. I had an eating disorder in high school and have overcome it to an extent. So now my dietary restrictions are no gluten, dairy, white potatoe, and banana. I am also a girl that is on the road for recovery from an eating disorder and my heart opened up when I was reading what you had wrote. Even after I became vegetarian, I turned this question over and over in my mind. Your blog has been an absolute help in finding yummy recipes to not get bored with same ol recipes or feel like they are to hard to make, they are flavorful and tasty. I have finally found something that I am truly interested in and love to do. A friend posted your green monster recipe on facebook. My unhappiness and lack of direction led to me not caring about my success in my academic life. Just wanted to say thank you for your willingness to share your story, insight, and inspiration with others. Somehow controlling what I ate and the idea of kindness through not eating animals helped me cope with my life during that time. Now, working out is something I look forward to doing every day, and I have fun making creative and healthy vegetarian meals for myself. I just ran across your blog and added to my blog reading list. Serve with sliced fruit, agave or honey and a dollop of yogurt. Do you have a list of good vegan cookbooks and lifestyle books posted somewhere. It had butternut squash in it and was a stew or soup. Thank you for staring your story, struggles, and personal observations on your growth to overcome your eating disorder. I made a it a few mths ago and it was a complete hit with the husband and 1 yr old. Laugh them off, or take the opportunity to explain how important your diet choices are to you. We are in the process of transitioning to a vegan diet and I have found so much encouragement, nourishment, and downright yum here. At the time, Eric was a devout fast-food lover and drank pop like water. Just starting to use some of the recipes from your blog. I have battled an eating disorder since I was about 14. Hi Tracey, that makes me so happy to hear. The other day when I stumbled across your blog it really made me smile. I am currently trying to relearn how to listen to my body and give it what it needs, after about 18 years of abuse. I had no plan, but a supportive husband, tons of drive, and a hobby I loved. I remember discovering your blogs many years ago and I have always enjoy reading it. I have yet to try a glow bar, as I have been out of North America for a year and a half but I look forward to trying one when I get back. I am really enjoying reading about your journey and will be following it from now on. I find your change and your blog so inspirational and im even more determined to beat this eating disorder and to say goodbye to it forever. I try your recipes all the time and I love them. As a mom of six, your recipes have helped me make mostly-vegan possible in my household. Note: The parfait cover is the Canadian cover and the carrot cover is the US cover. I really really appreciate it and I wanted to send you a free Ellie Eternity Scarf as a thank you. Although not vegan, I am dairy-free and red meat-free and rarely eat poultry (I never make it for myself). I have been vegetarian for a number of years but only in the last few months finally made the switch to being vegan and it has given me a new love for food as I am always looking for ways to veganize my old favourite foods. I am in shock still after I browsed through your entire page. The App Recipes About Popular Baby My Books Press FAQ.

I have gone from one extreme to the other. Your site will be very helpful with my new all vegan diet. You have some really amazing and motivating things on here. I am starting my all vegan diet this weekend. I stumbled on your site and just wanted to say how gorgeous your food shots are, and that your posts are a great read. I long to be happy and healthy and to no longer carry my burden of self hatred. I recently came across your blog and I think you are such an inspiration. Thank you for being an inspiration to people everywhere. Up to you. I have been struggling with my overall health and well-being for a long time. What I ended up doing the most was just adding the pulp into smoothies and soups. I was just casually browsing for some dinner time inspiration when I happened upon your site. In addition, salad dressings are a satisfying accompaniment to the healthy vegetables and fruits consumed in salads, and many salad dressings provide an essential fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid, which helps protect women against fatal heart attacks, as well as the ever-important vitamin E, which offers numerous health benefits to salad worshippers. My mom recently made your vegan peanut butter cookies for a friend and I fell in love with them so I had to check out the rest of your yummy recipes. Thank you for writing and for your inspiration. Your outlook on life is so inspiring, and exactly how I strive to live. A summer evening is incomplete with out a variation of your soft serve ice cream, and for the last week we have been totting either the Fruit and Nut Energy Bites or the Blueberry Chia Nut Squares for breakfast on-the-go. Your posts always bring a smile to my face, and your food is delicious. I am going to try out a couple of your recipes this week. Thanks for sharing your stories and promoting such a positve attitude toward. I wanted to write, but not in the form of scientific articles. The avocado pasta and the blondies are the first ones I will try to make. I found that what I went through is very similar to what you went through. I would just like feedback from some folks who do this. Your recipes are incredible and the photography is stunning. I know my body will feel better being vegetarian again but I am nervous that I wont do well. Things were not good and I turned to food as my comfort, within a year, I had put on nearly 100 lbs. I just wanted to say that I am blown away by your website. Usually I am not big into blogs, but stumbled upon yours from SmartPrettyandAwkward, and I also tend not to be into a lot of health food. I just discovered your blog and I am so happy I did. For all of my adult life and teenage years I controlled and managed every morsel of food that went into my body and every calorie burned by exercise keeping myself thin enough to feel good about myself yet heavy enough to stay alive. I taught myself how to create recipes and then photograph my creations. You should check out the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. Thanks for all your amazing insite and recipes. I have started a blog to document my journey and hopefully shed some light into a somewhat seemingly dark area that is just recently being given attention as a growing epidemic. I cannot tell you how much I feel that it relates to my experiences right now. I buy most of my foods in bulk and that helps a ton. That is, they taste like what they are without animal fats, etc. My husband and I just started our journey of eating a plant-based diet and your website has been amazing. I found your blog a few weeks ago through twitter and I have found it to be really positive and motivating. I am so glad that I was able to stumble across your blog today. You are obviously old enough to be concerned for your health and well being. I must say your flourless chocolate cookies are totally addicting. My goal is to show you healthy, unprocessed, and animal-product free recipes that I create to keep myself and my family inspired about tasty good-for-you food. While on Pinterest I found a wrap of yours that I want to try out very much, but I am unable to find the recipe on your site:( Can you please help me out. I just found your blog and really could appreciate all you had to say. As the plant-based fitness movement grows, this is beginning to change. It was physically exhausting running both the bakery and the blog, but I knew that I was on the right path to career happiness. Patty Griffin wrote that song about her dog. I am strongly against the use of this because of the palm oil, AND it is unhealthy. No matter how much work it took, I was willing to do it. I wish you all the best with your journey. I will be sure to check out your recipes. However, today is the first time I actually read your story. I finally found a place where I can find support, encouragement, and people I can relate to. I must say I have constipated going vegetarian myself. I did a little experimenting yesterday and I would like to share this. Remember, simple is good when it comes to food choices. I share my recipes on this site to hopefully inspire readers to try out my recipes. Good luck with everything in the years to come. Studying for a degree in Biological Science I have no clue if I even enjoy. She is a fairly good eater, but she definitely needs to broaden her choice of foods. Launched in 1992, National Salad Month is used to shine a spotlight on the health benefits of eating different kinds of leafy greens and colorful vegetables. PS Were you in RI this weekend at the Ramona Pinot Grigio event. I have been vegan of over a year now, and I do not think my husband or myself would have gotten to this point without the inspiration we find on your website. Used to be vegan many years ago and would like to go back to it. I can only hope to reach as many people as you have. I am trying to research a ton to find out what kind of foods to feed her and all awhile to make sure she is getting enough protein. I post food pics, recipes, and some behind the scenes action. I have been reading your blog every day and as of exactly one week ago, I have had no processed food and started to eat organic. We need to actively make the change for ourselves, for our health. Your recipes are fantastic, I use them all the time. I just discovered your blog yesterday afternoon and I am SO thrilled. My dream. Is it possible for you to put together a list of the products that you use. For fun recipe ideas, check out my recipage for searchable vegan recipes. I hope you continue to enjoy the many recipes. You are amazing and your pictures are breathtaking. When i read your blog i felt as if i was looking into the future. There are physical as well as emotional and spiritual triggers for the cycles of an ED. One year later, and it has over 300,000 copies in print. Thank you for being an inspiration, you give me hope that I can finally make my change for good, and not go back to old and hurtful ways. I stumbled across your blog when searching for Vegan recipes as I am a 33 yo mother of 7 who was recently diagnosed with Celiac and suffer from 3 auto immune disorders and 4 main food allergies such as Soy, Dairy, Chicken Eggs and Gluten. With hard work, counseling, and persistence, I was able to overcome my struggles with disordered eating. I take pride in a healthy living style and I am still in college. We have so much fun excercising and cooking together, and we really support each other and push each other to be healthy. As always, any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. Just wanted to let you know that I love your new fall header. After reading all your posts about how far you have come and how apparent your happiness is now, it really inspires me with hope. I admire you for recognizing your struggle and fighting to tame the beast within. It made this website that much more encouraging to to know that you understand, so completely, the struggles and unhealthy obsessions that come with eating disorders. We welcomed a baby girl into our family in September 2014. I wanted to find out if it was possible to run a personal best on the course (I had heard it is very crowded on the path) but I see thanks to your race recap and time that it is possible to run it in a fast time. Its an awesome online nutrition school that I am enrolled in. Mix the flax and chia with 6 T. You can also view a video about National Salad Month at. I am not a huge cooking type person so that is what scares me but I am sure I will adjust. Finally, I felt passionate and in control of my own happiness. I feel happy and my body is getting healthy again. Whenever I am discouraged on this roller coaster of a ride to health I know I can find inspiration and truth in your posts and personal story. Thank you for sharing wonderful recipes and for your vulnerability. Hi Jennifer, thank you for your kind words. Thanks for taking the risk and following your heart. I found YOU while looking for ways to eat Buckwheat. I love the set up of your blog, and was wondering how and where I could access a program to set up my own. I was wondering if you ever considered adding meal plans to your blog. I am currently in college studying nutrition and I absolutely LOVE to bake and cook, but i feel so restricted by recipes. Have realized after some health problems, that I need to really clean up my diet, and have found a wealth of information and recipes here. I have just enrolled in some nutrition and food science courses at the university and I am happy. Thank you so much for making this website. Some good old motivational music always pumps me up when I cook and sometimes I like to believe it makes the food taste better:). I am currently working on my undergraduate thesis in social psychology and have been doing research till it drives me crazy. Your story inspired me and I hope that you find the time to email me as I would love to speak with you. In 2009, I took the leap and left my research career. Here is an article about palm oil as well. I love your recipes and make them often, you need to write a cookbook. So thank you for reinforcing that, and for putting a really positive message out on this page of the internet. Please see my Road to Health series found on my hot page. I was a chubby pre-teen and then with a growth spurt before high school, I was finally thin. You have made me reaslise that going vegan is no mean feat. I just need to say how thankful I am for your story. So happy that I came across it searching for yummy chickpea recipes. In a pre-heated oven at 450F, bake the apple baby for 20 minutes. I am trying to transition into vegan diet and I think this time I might be succesfull. When and how did you finally turn exercise into fun. I probably have 2 or 3 a week and I like to mix up the greens that I use, so I get different nutrients. or your blender. Today, almost 7 years later, Oh She Glows has over 1 million unique readers each month. The instructors are always very easy going and encourage everyone to take breaks if necessary. Looking forward to reading more as you continue your journey:). I just recently discovered your blog while searching for vegan recipes. Over the last 24 hours you have already inspired 3 of my meals. I can actually look at a photograph taken at any time in my past and tell you how much I weighed on that day and how I felt about it. I have already collected several recipes to try out for my little family. Whenever I was frustrated with career unhappiness and worried about my future, I would brainstorm ideas for blog posts. So again thank you and keep doing what your doing because I sure appreciate you. Just as so many before me, I have been truly touched by your blog. You can also leave the room for a few minutes if necessary. Very exciting times for our family, and I am SO excited I found your blog. I love your blog and the pictures are so awesome. Congratulations on everything you have accomplished and keep up the amazing work. I have a new appreciation for my health, body and mind, as well as for my daughter and husband, and I have changed the way I look at food and how I cook it. I am 0 and should be eating meat, where my husbands blood type suggests for him to be a vegetarian. I have been on this diet now for two months and must say aside from eliminating all the foods which causes internal inflammation, which has improved my well being, I enjoy the challenge of eating clean and healthy. In order for it to be left behind, we must move forward. But over the past two years, there have been a few points where I felt like I was alone in the way I chose to eat, and those moments were tougher than any fleeting desire for gustatory pleasure or convenience. I rarely buy packaged prepared foods or imitation products. In the past, I have caught myself having similar obsessive thoughts about food, my weight and my appearance. Hello Angela, I just found your blog and it is by far one of the best blogs I found with wonderful recipes. I have started following you on twitter with both my personal account and my blog account and will definitely be retweeting the information you share. What a positive message of following your heart and finding passion through pain. Each individual is unique and you are the expert on your body. I was wondering if you use your juicer to make almond butter, banana softserve etc. I love myself now more than ever because I finally find excercising and fitness fun, and have learned to love to cook, and have been doing all of this with my partner as well. I have dropped 30lbs and my husband 15lbs. Looks like I am going to be obsessed about this preparation. I have been going to the gym every day for the last two weeks, I am eating healthy and really feeling great. I focus now on what makes me feel healthiest and happiest overall — and that has made all the difference. By looking at me you would never know i have an eating disorder. Not to mention my constant struggle with my weight here at college. I have loved all the recipes I have found on-line and have purchased a lot of vegan cook books. I have just been following the path that I thought I had to. If this is the case and your question is urgent, please feel free to re-send it. I have since had two children and my weight has been an issue off and on for the last 11 yrs. I have been a vegetarian for awhile so the jump was not too bad. It has been such fun finding other foodies who share similar tastes:) I have linked to you on my blog. You went to school and studied exactly what i have been debating on studying. Then I read a book about Veganism and a lot of my mental issues were associated with dairy products. What should I say, it tasted absolutely delicious. I no longer count calories, weigh myself obsessively, binge eat, or workout compulsively. You look so healthy and happy and it truly makes me want to change. I look forward to your journey and I wish to take that same leap of faith like you did when you chose to start Oh She Glows. Excellent blog, I just love to follow your blog. I am a nutritional student and am extremely passionate about healthy eating and healthy living. I had had it with feeling horrible on the inside and feeling worse about how I looked on the outside. And yes, my recipes are great for meat-eaters and picky kids too. I am pretty certain I made a recipe (one of MANY) from your blog and cannot find it. As for protein suggestions, check out this list (scroll down a bit): and for iron-rich foods, check out this one: I also try to consume iron rich foods with a bit of vitamin C to help with absorption, but there is a lot more reading up on it you can do. My goal is to inspire you to embrace more plant-based foods in your diet without feeling the least bit deprived. Two and a half years later, now that this once extreme lifestyle now feels familiar, I have just enough perspective to wish I could go back and give my pre-vegan self (or someone else in my shoes) a few pointers. Coming up with healthy dishes that he enjoyed was a difficult task, but I was up for the challenge. I am a Registered Nurse working in downtown Toronto. You (and a few other vegan food bloggers) have inspired me to finally start my own vegan blog, although focused more on babies, toddlers and new Moms. My husband is vegan and I am pescetarian. I appreciate each and everyone of you who take the time out of your busy day to send me a note. Long-term, it has been this connection with people of similar mindsets, in person but mostly online, that has made moments of doubt increasingly rare. I read all about you and I love your blog. You own a healthy bakery and one day i dream of owning a coffee shop that is fair trade and organic with vegan options. I especially love your muffin recipes, the blueberry muffins are delish. We run a bed and breakfast in Israel and would like to offer vegan cooking as an option. I was wondering if you have any advice on how to get started. Thank you for being an inspiration to foodies, bloggers and vegans everywhere:). I shop at farmers markets and co-ops and Whole Foods more than I ever did before I was vegan, and I pay extra for organic. Your website, blog and recipes are making it easier for me to get back on track. I was determined and filled with passion to make this new career work. I want to be healthy and happy, I want to move on with my life. To them, vegans are still skinny and weak, by necessity. Express gratitude and see how your heart shifts. You are so inspirational, I love your blog. I also admire your candidness about your relationship to food and wellness. Mostly about how to be a healthy nurse (how I maintain a healthy lifestyle) Help for nurses dealing with shift work, diet, exercise, etc. We just purchased bikes and are excited about this new adventure. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated. I will definitely be referring my followers and viewers to your site for great vegan recipes and encouragement and look forward to staying in the loop as your journey continues to unfold. In the bowl used to coat the apple, mix together the oat flour, spices, and salt. I am really interested in the holisitic lifestyle and vegan eating. I want to say thank you, for putting your story out for the world, and for having the strength to overcome a battle that burdens so many people, especially young women and girls. For the past few years i have been struggling with an eating disorder, i am completely obsessed with diet, exercises, and my body. I really appreciate your perspective on health and fitness. Coat the apples in the cinnamon and sugar in a large bowl. I was a vegetarian in high school but only because I wanted to control the only aspect of my life that I could. The heat was the most difficult thing to get used to. Please let me know if you have any questions. I was suffering from depression and still feel as though I do not recognize myself anymore. You have been a source of inspiration for me to start my own blog. Hi Angela,this is my first time on your sight and I have really enjoyed what I have seen. I am really impressed and inspired by your works and thoughts and how you were able to conquer your fears and challenges. I am from lil old New Zealand down in the Southern hemisphere. Reading your story not only was I inspired but I was filled with hope for the future:) My own story is so parallel to yours and to hear how well you are doing gives me so much strength. Before you go try to really educate yourself about prices and nutrition versus calories and what is available seasonally in your greengrocers. Hopefully I can learn a couple things from you haha. After being SUPER skinny, and not being with the boy, I met and married my first husband. 10 things or more. Story Tip: Step Up Your Nutritional Game During National Salad Month. But I live in Holland and the ingredients that you use, are not always available here. Reading your posts makes me feel so much better knowing that I am not the only person who has gone through this. I wanted to let you know that we featured your blog on our website today. I have never had an eating disorder, unless loving food too much is a disorder which somedays I am sure it is, but your blog resignates deep within me. My husband is even on board this time and he made two of the recipes from your site today, Vegan Chili and The Cocoa Crisp Chocolate balls, ( Hopefully I didnt just massacre the recipe names, lol. I came across your pages in search of diy larabars and omg your recipes are amazing.

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